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Stationery Newsgroups

Finding the stationery newsgroup that best suits your tastes, your personality and your style is very important.  If you do find that Downhome Stationery is not the right place for you, perhaps the following links will help you find a more appropriate home.

The following links describe other Outlook Express stationery newsgroups available, as well as some groups that are resources for stationery creations.  If you have a helpful link, please send email to downhome@nanettes-place.com.  

Before posting to any newsgroup, it's good netiquette to first spend time lurking and reading as many posts as possible to get a feel for what's acceptable in the group.  Each group has it's own personality, and finding the one that fits your tastes best will serve you better in the long run.  Lurking and watching will also allow you to review any FAQs the group may have chartered, if in fact, FAQs have been setup. Not all groups have FAQs. 

Clicking the links below will temporarily transport and add the news server to your MS Outlook Express program.  To access the program at another time, you will need to right-click on the group name in Outlook Express and select subscribe.  If you do not see a folder list, you may need to select View/Layout from your Menu options to enable this function.  It can be disable once you have subscribed to the group. 

AnnexCafe's Public Server Groups :
Although you may see the same posters in many of these groups, there are distinct differences between each as to what is acceptable posting material versus what is not. To avoid conflicts in the groups, please visit their web site first, or ask for their FAQ's before posting, or email a moderator to ask questions if you are unclear on the groups' standards.

This is US...  a family-oriented group, geared for anyone that's interested in posting creative stationery for anyone to use for almost any occasion. Please review our FAQ, provided on this website, before posting. 

This group is dedicated to Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy, and Anime stationery. No flowers or cutesy animal stuff here although lots of fractals. Posts are often large. Some advanced scripting, but usually only what has already been tested and proven.

This group is for absolute beginners to graphics and stationery. They follow tutorials and post stationery that was created as a direct result of those tutorials. While they are a warm, friendly group, this is not a place where advanced graphics users can showcase their work.  Those that try, are strongly discouraged. Only the most basic of scripting is used, since the group focus is to teach the art of stationery compilation. This group has several moderators. The tutorials are written by many different people for Paint Shop Pro (PSP), The beginning tutorials and general rules can be found at: http://www.joane.com/Stationery/annexcafestationerynewbies.htm  The complete list of tutorials can be found at  http://www.bearzcave.com/stationerynewbies.htm 


This group posts mostly traditional stationery with more scripting and frequently larger posts than downhome.


More of a chat type group than one for stationery.. Horses are a common theme as are "adult" jokes. Questions can be directed to JB.


Also a relatively traditional stationery group; again posts are generally larger and scripting is frequently more complex.


As the name implies -- images used for this group usually fall into the "rated" category.   Otherwise its posts are similar to those of the above phoenix stationery:  usually larger file sizes and more complex scripting.  No pornography allowed.


A great clipart group, where many of our members share their graphic finds/library for stationery creations.

annexcafe. phoenix graphics 

Art, clip art, and photos are posted here.  Limited to this type only -- no stationery, tubes, masks, or other components are posted here.


As the name implies, this is the phoenix group where tiles, textures, masks, and other stationery "bits and pieces" are posted. 


Similar to phoenix graphics except "rated" art may be posted here.  No pornography allowed.

Microsoft's Stationery Groups:


More of a beginner's group or perhaps better know for their willingness to help newbies to the stationery art: for stationery related questions. 

A heavier stationery group where scripts are used widely, including experimental scripts.  These scripts can often "hang" your computer.  Before panicking, you might consider that alt-F4 will close a window, Ctl+Alt+Del will bring up your task manager where you can elect to End Task for OE, or sometimes you can click onto another post or group and press F5... these often free up your system.  Posters beware of scripts... safe computing is a must in this group. 

Note:  These are unmoderated groups. Microsoft uses software filters extensively here and so porn and spam are rare, but there aren't any humans constantly monitoring here. That is not to say that people from Microsoft do not stop by from time to time, but it does mean that you need to practice the golden rule when posting here. This group is frequented by all ages and so it is appreciated that any post that is risqué or contains nudity have a rating placed in the subject line.

Spaceman's Private Server:

Privately owned and run but is available to the general public. Spaceman generously set up several stationery groups on his server when MSN cancelled theirs. There is zero tolerance for spammers and trouble-makers. They are dealt with swiftly (often losing their internet accounts from their ISP). Again, what is appropriate in one group may not be in another, even though you may see some of the same posters in all groups.  

Sometimes you will find more replies than original posts in this group and at times there are more jokes than stationery. This group is one of most social and more closely resembles a chat room than a standard stationery group. Scripts here are usually benign. Questions can be directed to Dilly.

This group was set up for those that used to post in the MSN needlearts stationery group. The stationery is rarely needlearts related.

For sharing graphics that could be used in stationery.

King Ric's Server:

This group tends to have larger posts and more advanced scripting.
This group posts mostly stationery with an inspirational/religious theme.
This is a group designed for stationery made with Scrippy instead of standard scripts.




This site ©Copyrighted 2000 - 2003
Downhome Stationery Newsgroup and Its Contributing Members
All Rights Reserved Worldwide